
Hungerford Mammography Services, such as breast cancer and mammogram screenings, are offered at two convenient locations. In Torrington, mammography test services are located adjacent to The CHH Center for Cancer Care on the ground level of the Hungerford Diagnostic Center.

The CHH Mammography Center offers full 3D digital mammography and Stereotactic Breast Biopsy Services by appointment in a natural environment designed for easy access and privacy for women.

Digital 3D mammography from CHH utilizes advanced breast tomosynthesis technology that is clinically proven to significantly increase the detection of breast cancers and decrease the number of women asked to return for additional testing. These screenings are best suited for pre-menopausal women and those with dense breasts. A 3D exam includes a three-dimensional method of imaging that can greatly reduce the tissue overlap effect. During the exam, an X-ray arm sweeps in a slight arc over the breast, taking multiple images. A computer then converts the images into a stack of thin layers, allowing the radiologist to review the breast tissue one layer at a time. A 3D exam requires no additional compression and takes just a few seconds longer than the previous conventional 2D breast cancer screening exam. Digital Mammography is similar to standard mammography, but converts the image of the breast into a digital picture that can then be viewed directly on a computer. Physicians can then view the mammogram test image on a computer monitor and are able to alter its size, brightness, and color of the image. Those who are likely to benefit the most from the new technology are pre-menopausal women ages 40 to 50 and those with dense breasts.

Mammography tests are one of the best screening tools for the detection of breast cancer. Women over 40 or younger women with a family history should have annual mammograms.

Appointments are necessary. Please call ahead and schedule.

Financial Assistance

Eligible women may qualify for financial Assistance to receive annual Mammography test screenings from the CHH Pink Rose Fund. Free clinical breast exams and breast cancer screenings are available to women that have high deductible insurance plans or no insurance.

Women & Mammography Screening

The good news lately is that early detection has really been making a difference. Mammography tests have been found to result in an overall 30% decrease in the risk of women dying from breast cancer. This is even more significant when you consider that the number of identified breast cancers cases has increased.

Please consider the following when making your own decision regarding breast cancer and mammogram screening:

  1. Start having an annual mammography test at age 40. Breast cancer is a disease that increases in frequency with every decade. There is nothing special about starting at age 50. Many women may die unnecessarily if they wait until they are 50 to begin screening since many patients present with breast cancer in their 40s.
  2. Determine your own lifetime risk of breast cancer by calculating a Gail breast cancer risk score. A score of 20 or greater suggests that you should not only adhere to a strict yearly schedule but possibly even consider supplemental MRI breast examinations. Visit the National Cancer Institute online at to learn about the Breast Cancer Rick Assessment Tool.
  3. Women in their 40s generally have denser breast tissue than women in their 50s and 60s. Since these cancers are more difficult to detect with mammography, it is even more important to obtain yearly mammogram screening exams to look for subtle changes. Supplemental ultrasounds may also be helpful to see through this dense tissue and may be suggested by your radiologist.
  4. Women should continue to perform breast cancer screening via self-examination and be regularly examined by a health professional as well. Many cancers have been found because women told their doctors where to look.
  5. There is no set upper age at which mammography should be stopped. It is still considered beneficial for any woman with a life expectancy of 10 years or greater.

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