Patient amenities and accommodations
The Care Assistance Partners Program is our way of making sure you have the 24/7 support of a loved one while you’re in one of our hospitals because we know that can be invaluable at such a challenging time.
Patient Relations is dedicated to guaranteeing quality patient care by making sure the “little things” do not go unnoticed.
At Hartford HealthCare, our patients and team members are expected to maintain a safe environment and be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect.
The process of getting discharged from Charlotte Hungerford Hospital
Become an organ donor and save a life
Access patient information and manage your healthcare online
The CHH Social Services Department plays a key, and increasingly important role in managing the patient’s care throughout their hospitalization and after care.
How to gain access to different medical
Patients with disabilities who receive care at a Hartford HealthCare hospital may have a designated support person present with them to support their disability needs.