Diabetes & Endocrinology

CHH Diabetes and Endocrinology headed by Endocrinologist Dr. Egils Bogdanovics is a group of dedicated diabetes specialist professionals specifically trained to help people with diabetes learn how to reduce diabetes-related complications, maintain better health, and manage their disease.

The Center operates an American Diabetes Association recognized program to help people with diabetes care, and offers insulin pump training, weight loss programs, carbohydrate counting classes, blood glucose awareness training, and continuous glucose monitoring.

Endocrinologist Egils Bogdanovics, M.D., joined the Diabetes and endocrinology CHH Medical Staff in 2000. He attended St. George’s University Medical School, conducted a Residency and Internship St. Mary’s Hospital, and a Fellowship at the University of Connecticut Health Center. He is a certified diabetes specialist by the American Board of Internal Medicine in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Diabetes & Metabolism.

Endocrinologist Deepti Rawal, MD, joined the practice in 2020. She received her medical degree from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College in Ajmer, India. She completed her internship and residency at Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune, NJ, and received her fellowship in Endocrinology and Metabolism at University at Buffalo in Buffalo, NY. Dr. Rawal is Board Certified in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. Dr. Rawal has a special interest in thyroid disorders including thyroid cancer management and bone disorders. She also sees patients with other endocrine disorders including pituitary disorders and comprehensive Diabetes management.

The team of board certified diabetes physician specialists, certified diabetes educators, registered dietitians, and social workers are specifically trained to help people with diabetes avoid complications and maintain better health throughout their lifetime. Their goals are to provide a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary approach to diabetes treatment and disease management.CHH diabetes and endocrinology employs new technology including the continuous glucose-monitoring device, which fits just under the skin and measures blood glucose levels every five minutes, and is as innovative as the discovery of insulin treatment.

The practice operates the ADA recognized program to help people with diabetes and offers insulin pump training, weight loss programs, carbohydrate counting classes, blood glucose awareness training and continuous glucose monitoring.

The practice accepts most major insurances.

For questions on the practice and education classes and to schedule an appointment, contact 860.496.2198.

Diabetic Foot Center

The Foot Center provides effective, timely diagnosis and treatment of foot wounds for diabetic patients.

“Healthy Living With Diabetes” Education Program

CHH Diabetes and Endocrinology offers a comprehensive four-part educational program involving ten hours of class on important topics designed to help manage diabetes.

Information is presented by members of the Hungerford Diabetes team including diabetes educators, nurses and dieticians. A variety of teaching methods and materials will be used. Afternoon and evening classes are scheduled on a monthly basis. A spouse, relative, or friend is welcome to participate in the program with you. This program is recognized by the American Diabetes Association.

Topics include:

  • Nutrition basics/carbohydrate counting
  • Diabetes medications
  • Sick day guidelines
  • Foot and skin care
  • Changing behavior
  • Community resources
  • Monitoring and interpreting blood sugar results
  • Diabetes and exercise
  • Detection and prevention of chronic complications
  • Family involvement and social support
  • Stress and lifestyle changes

Diabetes Education is a covered benefit by Blue Cross, Connecticare, Cigna, Medicare, Aetna and many other private insurers. Please call your insurance company to find out your level of coverage since individual policies may vary. There is a fee for Diabetes Classes.

For further information and registration, contact the Hungerford Diabetes Center at 860.496.2198.

Diabetes & Endocrinology